Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership Updates

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Industry and Education Partners to Develop Reading Metrics

In 2012, Dalton-Whitfield leaders declared their commitment to helping all students achieve grade level reading by third grade.  In an effort to ensure progress towards this goal, the Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership has decided to work together as a community to establish common grade level reading metrics.  Shaw Industries, Mohawk Industries, and J&J Industries have each volunteered a Six Sigma expert to work with representatives from each school system on this project.  The scope of the group’s work is as follows: 

1) Examine existing data to determine how variables like poverty are impacting student success;

2) Decide upon a common metric(s) for third grade reading level and grades up to third; and

3) Decide upon a benchmark on the metric(s) that will establish success.

The team hopes to have a recommendation for the school systems in early January of 2014, prior to the schools’ spring budget determinations.

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