Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership Updates

Welcome to the Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership Blog. Check this blog regularly to learn about the priorities, goals, and actions of the Archway Partnership.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Industry and Education Partners to Develop Reading Metrics

In 2012, Dalton-Whitfield leaders declared their commitment to helping all students achieve grade level reading by third grade.  In an effort to ensure progress towards this goal, the Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership has decided to work together as a community to establish common grade level reading metrics.  Shaw Industries, Mohawk Industries, and J&J Industries have each volunteered a Six Sigma expert to work with representatives from each school system on this project.  The scope of the group’s work is as follows: 

1) Examine existing data to determine how variables like poverty are impacting student success;

2) Decide upon a common metric(s) for third grade reading level and grades up to third; and

3) Decide upon a benchmark on the metric(s) that will establish success.

The team hopes to have a recommendation for the school systems in early January of 2014, prior to the schools’ spring budget determinations.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Archway Presents to Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce

On October 31, the Archway Partnership shared information about local initiatives with the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. At the meeting, Archway Partnership chairman Lynn Laughter, Vice-Chair Don Cope, and Archway Professional Melissa Lu refreshed the board on select poverty statistics indicating the need for community collaboration: 
Source: U.S. Census Bureau American Fact Finder.
Poverty line is considered to be $21,954 (GA County Guide).
Source: U.S. Census Bureau American Fact Finder.
Median Household Income is defined as the income of the householder and all other individuals 15 years old and over in the household, whether they are related to the householder or not (U.S. Census Bureau). Inflation adjusted income has been adjusted using an inflation-adjusted calculator found at http://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm and is based on the 2013 year.

Archway representatives then shared with the Chamber Board Archway's 2013-2014 priorities:
     1) Get Students on Grade Level Reading by Third Grade
     2) Prioritize a Greenways, Parks, and Trails Project
     3) Further Explore the Concept of a Business Incubator

The presentation shared can be viewed here.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

GPEE Bus Tour Visits Dalton-Whitfield County

On October 29, the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education bus tour visited Dalton-Whitfield County to learn more about community-wide education efforts.  More than 80 representatives from around the state visited the Northwest Georgia College and Career Academy, where they had an opportunity to learn about Archway Partnership and Archway-initiated efforts including the Early Childhood Community Coalition; Readers to Leaders; Explore Experience; and Design, Engineering and Manufacturing Camp.  Participants also had the opportunity to learn about other educational opportunities sponsored by Georgia Northwestern Technical College, Dalton State College, and Whitfield Middle School STEM programs.

Following a tour of the Career Academy and exhibit visits, representatives were treated to a dinner prepared by culinary arts students from local high schools. During dinner, participants had an opportunity to learn more about Archway Partnership’s work and other community-wide education initiatives.

Below are some images highlighting the event.

Archway Education Professional Katy Green (center) discusses early childhood education initiatives with two bus tour visitors.


Pam Partain (right), Chair of Archway Partnership’s Readers to Leaders (R2L) Committee, explains R2L’s mission and the community’s commitment to literacy.

Archway Professional Melissa Lu (center) shares Archway Partnership efforts with representatives.