Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership Updates

Welcome to the Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership Blog. Check this blog regularly to learn about the priorities, goals, and actions of the Archway Partnership.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Readers to Leaders Considers Next Steps

At the September Readers to Leaders issue work group meeting, members discussed how the community can meet its goal of getting all students reading on grade level by third grade.  At the meeting, the group discussed ideas including:

·        Assisting the library in expanding its summer reading program to sites throughout the county.

·        Assisting Whitfield County Schools in adding more sites and programming for its Lunch ‘n Learn school readiness program next summer.

·        Working with adult literacy programs to support parents as their children’s first teachers.

·        Supporting Dalton State College’s School of Education in hosting a Christmas reading event, a summer reading and writing camp, and curriculum nights.

·        Joining the Grade Level Reading Campaign and a similar campaign for English language learners.

Over the next month, a smaller group will meet to engage in strategic planning for Readers to Leaders.
To view the minutes from the meeting, click on the following link:  http://www.archwaypartnership.uga.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/September-2013-minutes.pdf

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