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Monday, June 3, 2013

UGA Student Releases Draft Two Year Strategic Plan for Local Library

Over the past year, University of Georgia College of Education Ph.D. student Roberta Gardner has worked closely with the Northwest Georgia Regional Library board and staff, the Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership, and local leaders to create a two year strategic plan draft.  This draft was created to support the local library in the community and to bolster the community literacy effort. 

University of Georgia College of Education Ph.D. student Roberta Gardner
In May, Archway Director of Coordination Sue Chapman shared this draft strategic plan with the Dalton-Whitfield Archway Executive Committee.  The draft includes five proposed initiatives for the library to implement from 2013-2015.  These options included:
1.     Creating satellite library hot spots
2.     Developing a workforce reading and digital literacy program
3.     Starting a mobile library
4.     Training personnel
5.     Supporting the Readers to Leaders literacy initiative
This two year draft plan was recently shared with the library board.  They plan to use it as an outline to create their own strategic plan under the direction of new library director Linda Floyd.  To view this draft plan for the library please go to the following link: http://bit.ly/NGRLDraftStrategicPlan.

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