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Friday, April 26, 2013

Literacy Database Presentation: Yea or Nay?

On Friday, April 12, 2013 members of the Literacy and Early Brain Development Database Workforce Development Team gathered together to hear a trial presentation of the database to potentially be presented around the Dalton-Whitfield community.  Archway Partnership employee and Dalton State College student Jordan Manis began the presentation with a background and overview of the database and its uses for the community which included:
·        The database can serve as a resource for the community to learn about programs and services available, where they are located, and how to participate.
·        The database can help local nonprofits refer clients for additional services and collaborate with other organizations to ensure all of their clients’ needs are addressed.

·        The database can help organizations identify possibilities for partnerships that could increase their potential to receive funding from federal and private grants.

·        The database can help the local stakeholders and community members to determine service gaps and determine new ways to promote early brain development and literacy in Whitfield County.

Leize Marie describing the asset maps to the group.
University of Georgia Masters in Nonprofit Administration student Leize Marie Davis then broke down the data that was gathered and exhibited different ways that the information could be used within the community.  One of the examples Leize Marie displayed was an asset map displaying book distribution sites in the county.  The map showed that the majority of the book distribution sites were located in the Dalton area and were not dispersed across Whitfield County as a whole.  This could be helpful for site coordinators to see the gaps and help make provisions to fill those gaps.  This map could also show individuals where they could locate a book distribution site to receive books and expand their learning. 

Following the presentation the floor was open for discussion for any improvements that should be made.  The team made some suggestions which will be implemented into the presentation over the next few weeks.

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