Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership Updates

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Local Elected Officials and Library Consider Library’s Future

On Wednesday, December 19, University of Georgia College of Education Ph.D. candidate Roberta Gardner met with local elected officials, staff of the Northwest Georgia Regional Library, and library board members to discuss the development of a vision for the library’s future.  At the meetings, Roberta shared a thought-provoking presentation about the history of the public library, the opportunities for the library in an economic downturn, how the library can impact literacy rates in a community, and examples of how the Dalton-Whitfield community can use the library as a tool in its campaign to get students on reading level at an early age.

Following Roberta’s presentation, participants had an opportunity to discuss thoughts and concerns.  Over the next several months, Roberta will work closely with these leaders and other citizens to develop a future vision for the library, a timetable for that vision, and a public engagement strategy in regard to that vision.

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