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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dalton-Whitfield Convenes Task Force to Explore Arts & Culture Opportunities

On Wednesday, August 29, Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership Executive Committee member Linda Blackman convened local stakeholders to discuss the possibility of forming an Arts and Culture Council Task Force.  Linda called the meeting at the behest of the Archway Partnership Executive Committee following a presentation by UGA Masters in Public Administration student Megan Miller about successful arts and culture councils.  Megan’s research revealed that most successful organizations focus on using arts and culture as an economic development tool.  Megan urged the Executive Committee to consider forming a task force to explore the need for, goals of, and the sustainability of an arts and culture council more closely.
The group listens intently about the possibility of forming an Arts and Culture Council Task Force.

Linda invited Megan Miller to the meeting to share her research with this small team.  Following Megan’s presentation, participants discussed some of the ideas in the presentation and agreed unanimously that they are dedicated to the arts and culture in this community and that arts are underutilized as an economic development tool.  The group agreed to reconvene in the next two to three weeks to further discuss how arts and culture can have a game-changer impact on the Dalton-Whitfield community with the help of the University of Georgia.  
Megan Miller presents her research.
Megan Miller is currently exploring the economic impacts that different art activities have on their communities which will be a very helpful resource to this task force.

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