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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

University of Georgia Archway Partnership Co-Sponsors Rebecca Ryan: Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Young Professionals

On October 14, nationally acclaimed speaker, economist, and author Rebecca Ryan spoke to hundreds of Dalton-Whitfield citizens about the importance of attracting and retaining the next generation of workers. In her presentation, Ryan challenged both old and young generations to find ways to interact so that the baton of local leadership can be passed, not dropped. Following her keynote address, Ryan facilitated a breakout session of approximately 100 area young professionals. In this session, Ryan challenged young professionals to become involved and make transformations happen. In an article reporting the event, the Dalton Daily Citizen noted that Ryan’s visit
coincides with local leaders’ efforts to revitalize the community through the Archway Partnership, a program through the University of Georgia that helps individuals plan for the recreational, lifestyle and business opportunities they want their cities to offer.
As part of its ongoing efforts to assist Georgia communities in developing future leaders and encouraging community engagement, the University of Georgia Archway Partnership co-sponsored the event. More information about Ryan’s presentation to the Dalton-Whitfield Community can be found in the following news articles, editorials, and letters to the editor:

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