Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership Updates

Welcome to the Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership Blog. Check this blog regularly to learn about the priorities, goals, and actions of the Archway Partnership.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Greenways, Parks and Trails

          Currently there is not an Archway Partnership work group addressing greenways, parks and trails specifically.  However, we are pleased to report that some of the trails mapped last summer by the UGA College of Environment and Design student interns are now open.  Many community members were engaged in clearing and marking these trails, including Dalton State College faculty and students and Scout troops.  

As reported in the Dalton Daily Citizen on April 16, 2011, the city of Dalton announced receipt of “…a $100,000 grant from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to create five miles of hiking and mountain biking trails on Mount Rachel.”  An additional trails grant from the Georgia Department of Transportation is pending.  This project, if funded, would “…link Mount Rachel with the Haig Mill lake, Mill Creek and the Crown Mill area.”  The Archway Partnership anticipates placing student interns in the community this summer to continue this work. 

If you have interest in greenways, parks and trails and would like to get involved in these efforts, please contact Melissa Lu (mdlu@uga.edu) or Sue Chapman (chapmans@uga.edu) so we can put you in touch with the right people.

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