Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership Updates

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Archway Partnership Executive Committee Update

In 2009, the Archway Partnership Executive Committee gathered extensive community input to produce “Communit-E3: A Vision of the Future of Dalton-Whitfield County.” The vision encompasses three parts: education, economy, and the environment (quality of life). In recent years the committee has brainstormed various education initiatives, many of which are pertinent in fulfilling the three-part Communit-E3 vision. Some of the most promising ideas, however, have not yet come to fruition because there is not an existing organization in the community to implement them.

At the last Archway Partnership Executive Committee Meeting held on January 16, members discussed the possibility of creating of a local Community Education Alliance that would meet the existing need for hosting some of the initiatives.  The discussion is outlined here.

The Committee is excited about the potential opportunities that such an alliance would create for the Dalton-Whitfield Community. Below are some photos highlighting the January 16 meeting. 

Lynn Laughter, chair of the Executive Committee, facilitates group discussion.

Committee member Kelly Jones shares her thoughts about the alliance.

Members Mike Maret (right) and Nancy Kennedy (left) discuss their ideas. 

Committee members examine details surrounding the Community Education Alliance.

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