Dalton-Whitfield Archway Partnership Updates

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

69 Students Graduate from Design, Engineering & Manufacturing Camp

On Thursday, June 13, 2013, family members and local stakeholders gathered at the Career Academy to celebrate the graduation of 69 DEM Camp participants.  DEM (Design, Engineer, and Manufacturing) Camp is hosted every summer by many sponsors in the community.  It is an opportunity for middle school students to learn more about the carpet industry and allows them to begin to gain interest in a career path for the future.  The graduation was hosted to congratulate the participants and exhibit all of their hard work.  Throughout the week the students were able to do team building exercises, build their own race cars, design their own rugs, take a tour of a plant at Shaw Industries, and much more. 

A schedule for the DEM Camp participants is located at the following link: http://bit.ly/DEMCampSchedule2013

Brian Cooksey, Director of Operations Training & Development at Shaw Industries, presents awards at the DEM Camp graduation.

Participants race the cars they designed at DEM Camp.


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